Vegans of Color

Because we don’t have the luxury of being single-issue

PETA “Protests” as the KKK February 12, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — Joselle @ 1:20 pm

Because PETA can’t just tell the truth about animals and operate compassionately and justly, they do shit like this. The Associated Press reported that on Monday, February 19,  members of PETA dressed up as Klansmen to protest the American Kennel Club at the Westminster Kennel Club Show, held at Madison Square Garden in New York City.

I first heard of this unfortunately unsurprising travesty on Racialicious (they got the tip from Womanist Musings; and thanks to Noemifor letting me know about that post). In addition to my outrage at PETA’s continuing racism, misogyny, and run-of-the-mill contempt for people and animals alike, what struck me most about the AP report was this part:

Most passers-by seemed more puzzled than offended, though those who didn’t stop walked away thinking they really had seen the KKK. The most common reaction was to pull out a cell phone and start snapping photos.

On top of being hate-mongers, the activism of PETA is simply ineffectual. They didn’t change hearts and minds with this sideshow on Monday. They either traumatized or befuddled people. Nothing gained for the animals, human or otherwise.

Since so often many people conflate the sensationalistic actions of PETA with the beliefs and values held by people who want to protect animals, it’s time that major organizations and leaders in the animal welfare and rights communities disavowed PETA. One commenter on Womanist Musings said as much:

It’s long past time for PETA to be put out of business, and for other animal-right groups to stop trying to sweep PETA’s shit under the rug, call PETA out, and dissociate themselves from PETA.

Where is the proof that what PETA is doing helps animals? What exactly is their purpose?

PETA, you don’t stand for me.