Vegans of Color

Because we don’t have the luxury of being single-issue

Must Accessibility Mean Partaking in Other -Isms? August 8, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — johanna @ 8:04 pm
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It seems lately there is a lot of excitement around presenting vegan ideas in ways labeled as fun, hip, light, or humorous. We can reach out to new demographics! We can bust stereotypes of vegans being dowdy humorless bores! Etc. etc. ad nauseum. After reading the umpteenth blog post extolling the virtues of this new kind of outreach, I started to wonder just what it means that vegans are so obsessed with making our issues “fun”& “sexy.” And let me clarify that I’m not referring to the emphasis on good & tasty food here, which is obviously important, but on the packaging of our ideas. (more…)